Ministry of Education, Science and Sport (MESS)

Brief description

The Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport (MESS) is responsible for defining strategic and developmental goals in the fields of primary education, secondary education, higher education, and research and development activities in Slovenia. More specifically, in relation to education it defines the expert bases for adopting political documents in the field of education policy and drafts laws and implements regulations on education policy. It establishes and enhances the system of comprehensive analyses and monitoring of the situation and development in education, develops new tools for attaining education policy goals, and plans the required financial resources for education. Through various directorates, the MESS covers all fields of education (from pre-school to university).

Partner’s role in the project

In the HAND in HAND project, the most prominent role will be played by the Education Development Office. This Office performs tasks associated with the work of governmental professional councils for education, participation in the European education information network (Eurydice), evaluation of the education system, management of EU cohesion policy projects, preparation of basic elements for research and development related to preschool, primary, secondary and higher education, adult education, music education, and educational programmes for children and young persons with special needs.

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Staff members involved in the project

Aleš Ojsteršek

He is the director of the Education Development Office at the MESS; a former Secretary of the Office for Youth developing and managing projects for the youth sector, and developing normative areas of the youth sector; and works in the areas of EU cohesion policy and developing human resources in Slovenia. His role in the project is to ensure the policy feasibility of the proposed guidelines and their formal introduction in the Slovenian education space; prepare deliverables; and the dissemination and exploitation of the results.

Stanka Lunder Verlič

She holds a PhD in Multiculturalism (thesis title: Education and qualifications of elementary school teachers in the U.S. state of Kansas and Slovenia for teaching in classes with immigrant children). She does advisory work on: multicultural education; adequacy of undergraduate education regarding multicultural subject matters for elementary school teachers; elementary school teachers for working with immigrant children, development of multicultural competencies and providing practical experiences for working in a diverse environment.

Mija Javornik

Mija Javornik is employed at the Office for Development and Quality of Education at the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and is responsible for the development and reporting in the field of human rights in education. She is responsible for several fields, such as: Ethics and activities for raising social competences for a safe and stimulating learning environment, Developmental activities in the field of migration flows and integration processes, Civic education and democracy, EU topics in schools, Cooperation in international activities within the development of vulnerable groups’ education (reporting to several working bodies), Participation in various commissions and groups for the purposes of coordination and cooperation between MESS and other institutions in the field of pre-university education and monitoring the results of national and international surveys.