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We invite you to join us this Friday, May 11th, at 13.00 in the Ljubljana City Hall at the roundtable named “Ljubljana, a Learning Community?”.

The roundtable will take about one hour, and the event will be officially opened by Mayor of the City of Ljubljana, Zoran Janković. The topic of the roundtable, which will be discussed by the participants, is what is the current situation in the field of education in our municipality and what trends are expected in the future.

Participants at the roundtable are:

  • Nastja Mulej, licensed trainer de Bon’s method of thinking,
  • Saša Boštjančič, director of the portal Moja zaposlitev,
  • Ana Mlekuž, Educational Research Institute and
  • Mojca Stojkovič, director of Freestyle Learning.

Please confirm your participation at helena.nevistic@cene-stupar.si

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